Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Parkdale Liberatin Front Presents: Building for the Future


The Parkdale Liberation Front presents:

Building for the Future

As the consequences of Global Warming, Global Dimming, the Acidification of the Oceans accelerate our children and grand children will be confronted with some hard choices on how to provide shelter, food and security for themselves and their families. Let's begin this series with shelter:

This simple serviceable structure has been in use for thousands of years. Its chief selling feature is its portability. A modest size tepee say for a family of four is easy transported on a hand pulled cart or a trapois.

Similar to the tepee. Easy to erect and transport.

Estimates vary but it is probably fair to say, with failure of Kyoto and Durban, that by the turn of the century the earth will be able to support a human population of about 100 million individuals (current earth population 9 billion). In the unlikely event you are able to find a stable, defensible location the log cabin has been a practical solution to shelter for thousands of years.


This an early example circa the 2nd century of the Common Era of an obstacle meant to keep out hostile groups. While quite a large undertaking such an endeavour may be necessary as wave upon wave of starving humanity moves into the cooler more habitable areas of the northern hemisphere.

Coming soon in this series:

Edible insects and fungi
If you have a pet you have protein
Cannibalism, simple and nutritious recipes for the family on the run
Composting the dead
How the barter system works

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Jim Read

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Return of Mary Dowser: Kapitalism for Kids

The always fragrant Mary Dowser, the championship typist of Parkdale, has returned to us on the advice of Sub Commandante Marcos of the rebel Zapatistas. She has left behind her amorous adventures in Mexico with Hugh Firmin, the Consul's brother in Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano, as well as a sojourn in the Yucatan with Don Juan and his jaguar avatar, in order to apply herself to service in the Dominion of Canada. TVFP is pleased to announce that she will be presenting a series of programs dedicated to helping children understand the adult world in which they are forced, for a time, to live. A heartfelt welcome back Mary Dowser from TVFP.

Hello kids, my name is Mary Dowser. I hope we're going to be good friends. Today I want to talk to you about how Charity works in the world of Kaptialism. So today we’re going to look at:

Uncle Billy.

Uncle Billy has just donated a lot of money to build a hospital for children. The hospital is called:


The hospital cost a lot of money. More money than you or I could ever imagine. But then Uncle Billy has a lot of money, more money than he could ever spend, that is unless he spent it on charitable things like hospitals.

I know exactly what you’re going to ask. Where did Uncle Billy get all this  money? Well Uncle Billy is a Kapitalist. He owns a mining company that extracts valuable metals from the earth. He sells these metals to other companies for enormous profits. Do you have a question Andy?

Andy                My Mom says mines are bad.

MD                  Well, the mining process produces tailings. These tailings poison the

Debbie            What about the kids who live in the environment.

MD                  Mines poison the kids too.

Candy              So Uncle Billy poisons kids. Do they have a hospital to go to?

MD                  No. These kids live in far off places that nobody cares about. Besides if Uncle
                        Billy built hospitals for those kids maybe he wouldn’t be able to build a hospital 
                        for you.

Donny              Is that fair?

MD                 That’s Kapitalism.

Debbie            I don’t get it.

MD                  Kapitalism isn’t for everybody. If it was there wouldn’t be enough resources
                        to go around. Kapitalism is just for the strong. 

Candy              So we’re lucky to live in Canada, because we’re Kapitalists.

MD                  That’s right. Good for you Candy.

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