The Parkdale Liberation Front presents:
Building for the Future
As the consequences of Global Warming, Global Dimming, the
Acidification of the Oceans accelerate our children and grand children will be
confronted with some hard choices on how to provide shelter, food and
security for themselves and their families. Let's begin this series with shelter:
This simple serviceable structure has been in use for
thousands of years. Its chief selling feature is its portability. A modest size
tepee say for a family of four is easy transported on a hand pulled cart or a trapois.
Similar to the tepee. Easy to erect and transport.
Estimates vary but it is probably fair to say, with failure
of Kyoto and Durban, that by the turn of the century the earth will be able to
support a human population of about 100 million individuals (current earth population
9 billion). In the unlikely event you are able to find a stable, defensible
location the log cabin has been a practical solution to shelter for thousands
of years.
This an early example circa the 2nd century of the
Common Era of an obstacle meant to keep out hostile groups. While quite a large
undertaking such an endeavour may be necessary as wave upon wave of starving
humanity moves into the cooler more habitable areas of the northern hemisphere.
Coming soon in this series:
Edible insects and fungi
If you have a pet you have protein
Cannibalism, simple and nutritious recipes for the family on
the run
Composting the dead